Hello, Lovine.com

Wherever you go, there you are.

Year: 2007

West Entrance to Death Valley
Greetings, from Death Valley. Photo set is here.

Star trails
Star trails from Red Rock Canyon National Park. Photo set is here.

Kat and her camera
Kat at Big Sur. Photo set is here.

I'm back in one piece. Albeit, in San Francisco.

The best adventures that my life offers have been those planned in short notice, or best, the ones that are never planned at all. There remains an irresistible urge to beckon after a calling, a special kind of calling, that can only be found deep within yourself. The rest of the world may think you are crazy, some smirk in bemusement, whilst others shake their heads in worry. Yet at the end of the day, your life is only yours to live and to experience, and I feel that we owe it to ourselves to take that first step and turn wonder and curiosity into something more tangible. Something that you own. And the sense of accomplishment means more than simply reaching your destination, but being able to recount the validity of your experience by really understanding the journey, and each step that you took in order to reach where you are.

A silly red scooter, is only silly when you laugh at it from the other side. And not when you experience what it's really like to get from point A, to point B.

More descriptive updates and pictures to follow. :)


This is what I live for. Semblances of isolation. Adventure. A sense of taking control over my life, instead of rolling with life's punches as everyone expects it to roll. It's cliche, but it never really is about the destination - it's how you take your strides, how you inevitably fall down, and how you manage to pick yourself up from your pieces and move on..

Denise on the phone with Uncle Fil

Happy Birthday Denise! Your Ninong loves you :)

The world cannot tell you, who you are.

I just spent the last 8 hours on my ass, soaking up random stuff from various scooter and motorcycle forums. I mostly spent a good deal reading about obscenely long trips made on scooter and even on bicycle (!). Not even making an attempt to discover new places when you live in a world like this should be a crime.

Following the mild success of my LA-SF-LA Vespa saga (hey, it's a decent start of other adventures to come), I'm surprised it took me that long to connect the dots on my planned itinerary for the next two weeks. Planned Big Sur camping for the Halloween weekend, followed by this year's SEMA in Las Vegas. Still looking through the map if the trip would be remotely enjoyable, but am looking to camp at Red Rock Canyon State Park en route from Big Sur to Vegas. This would roughly be a 1,000 mile roundtrip journey, within close proximity of the previous trip I've done...

The problem is, what to do with Nickel... Is it time to buy Doggles?

Kat's Room
Kat's room, 2007.


I think I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so.


I really think this trip will change my life.

Big Sur

tired. dirty. and with a horrible raccoon tan.

at the end of the day, the most important thing is to come home alive, intact. more often than not, even the most mundane of things are left for granted. the beauty of our travels is found not only during the journey itself, but more importantly in the journeys we partake afterwards. to appreciate all once again, in our views, that have turned into the ordinary.

tent, check.
sleeping bag, check.
extra fuel, check.
armored jacket, check.

adventure, in process.

here comes another 500 miles of gorgeous california riding on the scoot!


a few pictures from the so far so good rally in san francisco last weekend.


493 miles from point to point, 16 hours on the road over a span of two days.



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