Hello, Lovine.com

Wherever you go, there you are.

Month: October 2006

happy halloween, world. :)

the world is quick to judge, that which take a lifetime.

i just got a new phone! the user manual is in german though. das ist kein problem :P i'll probably change my number too, because i like having no reasons to just be random.

imagine that the world suddenly ceased to be 'real', and became detached from all your standard bearings of measurement. the truth is that you can fool yourself into believing what you choose to believe in. after all, there really is no foundation from where your realities are built on, aside from that is learned, experienced, and passively absorbed. there can be no thought nor reality that can stand alone by itself, since the generations preceding us have already defined it all before and have shoved it down your throat. all is bound by our experiences, enslaved to the routine of tactile, auditory, mental instances that define all that we can know. in some weird way, perhaps you can really only be, who you think you are. but even then, even promises don't mean anything to the passages of time - perhaps the sarcastic fragility of which makes it bear meaning.

nobody can stop you from deciding to build your own truths and triumphs. even if they may really constitute nothing at all - all that we can really come around to.

what i'd pay to make saturday mornings last longer.

it's about the only thing that keeps me happy these days. series by ms. kat. :)

On Canvas

a few weeks ago was the first time i've ever painted on canvas. both are collabs with ms. kat. :)

possum weekend! got a headstart with some comfort food at versailles with the hurricane, made it before closing time to get a new filter for the new lens in the family (72-200 f/4L!), and headed out to anaheim to join wendy and marco's extended family for an oktoberfest shindig at the phoenix club. wir machen spaß, und bier trinken! and a healthy amount of ass shakin' at zanzibar during pan's birthday thereafter. tired tired tired, but happy happy happy happy, at least during the weekends...

life is too short to enjoy all the gifts it has to offer, too long to spend regretting the sins against your personal faith. it takes a single bad decision to offset the hundred good ones that precede it.

i break down into a goofy little smile whenever i see this set. :)

because castles are made of sand.



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